Friday, August 29, 2008

Slaying Sacred Cows

There is a saying that Frederick the Great (1712-1786) lost the Battle of Jena (1806), meaning that for twenty years after his death, the army perpetuated his successful organization instead of adapting to meet the changes in the art of war.

Many rules outlive the purpose for which they were intended. What rule, policy, or way of thinking has been successful for you in the past but may be limiting you now? What sacred cow can you slay?

From Creative Whack Packs ( Green (Judge) Card #40

Friday, August 1, 2008

Pop Quiz

A college English class was studying often-used proverbs. One day, their teacher gave them a pop quiz to see how well they were paying attention. She told her students to take out a piece of paper. She would read one half of the proverb, and they were to write the second half. Here are some of the answers the teacher received:

It’s always darkest before...Daylight Savings Time
Never underestimate the power of...termites
Don’t bite the hand that...looks dirty
If you lie down with dogs, you’ll...stink in the morning
An idle mind is...the best way to relax
A penny saved is...not much
Two’s company, three’s...the Muskateers
Children should be seen and not...spanked or grounded
If at first you don’t succeed...get new batteries
Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry have to blow your nose